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Dairy Engineering Online Test

Correct Answer: 2 points | Wrong: -1 point
Grades: A* (100% score) | A (80%-99%) | B (60%-80%) | C (40%-60%) | D (0%-40%)

Here is the complete list of test quizzes on Dairy Engineering.

1. Storage tank inner shell is made of which of the following material?

Question 1 of 50

2. Rennet is used in many milk products to produce a thicker bodied product. Natural rennet comes from?

Question 2 of 50

3. An example of an extra hard cheese is?

Question 3 of 50

4. Badly dented or damaged milkers unit parts are caused by?

Question 4 of 50

5. How often will HACCP inspect each Dairy Farm?

Question 5 of 50

6. Which of the following standardization is more desirable in large-scale operation?

Question 6 of 50

7. What is the carbon dioxide content of commercial mixed raw milk?

Question 7 of 50

8. Milk contains 87 % water and the rest is solids and fats. Which of the following is not included as milk solid?

Question 8 of 50

9. The rate at which milk flows through a closed pipe can be determined by _____________

Question 9 of 50

10. “Heat transferred from the bowl of the spoon to the handle” is an example of which of the following way of heat transfer?

Question 10 of 50

11. Cheese consumption in the U.S. was approximately ______ pounds per capita.

Question 11 of 50

12. How much does a bushel of shelled corn weigh?

Question 12 of 50

13. The Babcock test is a rapid, simple and accurate test for __________

Question 13 of 50

14. What technology destroys 90 percent of BST found in milk?

Question 14 of 50

15. CaCl2 is added at the rate of ________

Question 15 of 50

16. Mostly healthy open cows will start a new reproductive cycle every ______ days.

Question 16 of 50

17. What is the method of using the heat of a hot liquid, such as pasteurized milk, to preheat cold incoming milk?

Question 17 of 50

18. Presence of coliform in milk pipelines after pasteurization indicates __________

Question 18 of 50

19. How soon before the show should an exhibitor begin fitting and training animals?

Question 19 of 50

20. Federal Definitions and Standards of Identity specify that Whole Milk contains not less than _____

Question 20 of 50

21. Which of the following is the characteristic of good quality milk?

Question 21 of 50

22. While some extra-label drugs can be used by food-producing animals, others cannot. Which of the following is/are an illegal drug(s)?

Question 22 of 50

23. What is the name of one of the 4 compartments of a ruminant’s stomach?

Question 23 of 50

24. Combination of glucose (C6H12O6) and galactose (C6H12O6) molecules result in:

Question 24 of 50

25. A pooling method, whereby, handlers with higher than average utilization pay into and handlers with lower than average utilization receives payment from is called _______

Question 25 of 50

26. Evaporators in the dairy industry don’t concentrate which of the following?

Question 26 of 50

27. Milk prices on average are the lowest in?

Question 27 of 50

28. How much should a Holstein or Brown Swiss heifer weigh at 2 years of age?

Question 28 of 50

29. The Italian cheese with the second largest per capita consumption was?

Question 29 of 50

30. The fat in one serving of whole milk (8 ounces) provides _______ calories.

Question 30 of 50

31. Which of the following is/are the category of Tubular Heat exchanger?

Question 31 of 50

32. How does centrifugation work?

Question 32 of 50

33. Osmotic pressure is controlled by the number of molecules or particles, not the weight of solute.

Question 33 of 50

34. Where is the National Cheese Exchange Located?

Question 34 of 50

35. Curd is the _______________during the cheese making process.

Question 35 of 50

36. Rennet belongs to ___________

Question 36 of 50

37. Today, milk that has been ultra pasteurized must have been heated at or above ______degrees F for at last ________ seconds.

Question 37 of 50

38. What piece of legislation made farmer cooperatives legal?

Question 38 of 50

39. Elasticity is___________

Question 39 of 50

40. Milk has all the essential amino acid.

Question 40 of 50

41. Which of the following mechanisms is used by a membrane filter to remove particulate material from the water?

Question 41 of 50

42. What are two types of culling in a dairy herd?

Question 42 of 50

43. Before entering the show ring, what is a question that the exhibitor should be prepared to answer about the animals?
I. Birth date and sire
II. Dam and breeding rate
III. Date use to calve
IV. Age

Question 43 of 50

44. When discussing lactation records, what does the term “fat corrected milk” mean?

Question 44 of 50

45. Rate of evaporation decreases as?

Question 45 of 50

46. Which of the deaerator have application in the dairy industry?

Question 46 of 50

47. While performing a CMT tests watch for color changes and gel formation. Milk from a normal quarter does which of the following?

Question 47 of 50

48. What does NFDM stand for?

Question 48 of 50

49. What is the USDA’s AIPL?

Question 49 of 50

50. What is the flux of a membrane filter if it contains 75 sq. ft. of filter area and operates for 24 hours at a flow rate of 5 gpm? Assume that the water temperature is 20℃.

Question 50 of 50


Topic wise Test Quizzes on Dairy Engineering

Dairy Engineering tests, quizzes, and exams are great ways to learn and test your Dairy Engineering skills. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, challenge and boost your confidence with our engaging online quizzes on Dairy Engineering Basics, Milk Chemistry, Rheology, Dairy Processing, Dairy Cow, Dairy Farm, Milk Quality, Milk Quality Farm, Dairy Product, Dairy Law, Cattle Health and Cow Health. Start the Dairy Engineering online test now!

Dairy Engineering Certification Test

Dairy Engineering Certification Test is a free certification exam. However, you need to score an A grade in each of the "Certification Level Tests 1 to 10" to be eligible to take part in this certification test. So, take all the "10 Tests" starting from Certification Level 1 upto Level 10, before taking the final Certification test.

Level 1 to 10 Tests:
Total Questions: 25, Total Time: 30 min, Correct Answer: 2 points, Wrong Answer: -1 point

Certification Test:
Total Questions: 50, Total Time: 1 hour, Correct Answer: 2 points, Wrong Answer: -1 point

Dairy Engineering Internship Test

If you scored either Grade A* or Grade A in our Dairy Engineering Internship Test, then you can apply for Internship at Sanfoundry in Dairy Engineering.

Total Questions: 50, Total Time: 1 hour, Correct Answer: 2 points, Wrong Answer: -1 point

Dairy Engineering Job Test

It is designed to test and improve your skills for a successful career, as well as to apply for jobs.

Total Questions: 50, Total Time: 1 hour, Correct Answer: 2 points, Wrong Answer: -1 point

Note: Before you get started on these series of online tests, you should practice our collection of 1000 MCQs on Dairy Engineering .

Sanfoundry Scoring & Grading System

Sanfoundry tests and quizzes are designed to provide a real-time online exam experience. Here is what you need to know about them.

  • Scoring System: You get 2 points for each correct answer but lose 1 point for every wrong answer.
  • Grading System: Your grade depends on your final score and can be one of the following:

    • Grade A* - Genius (100%)
    • Grade A - Excellent (80% to 99%)
    • Grade B - Good (60% to 80%)
    • Grade C - Average (40% to 60%)
    • Grade D - Poor (0% to 40%)
Manish Bhojasia - Founder & CTO at Sanfoundry
Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. He lives in Bangalore, and focuses on development of Linux Kernel, SAN Technologies, Advanced C, Data Structures & Alogrithms. Stay connected with him at LinkedIn.

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