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IC Engine Online Test

Correct Answer: 2 points | Wrong: -1 point
Grades: A* (100% score) | A (80%-99%) | B (60%-80%) | C (40%-60%) | D (0%-40%)

Here is the complete list of test quizzes on IC Engine.

1. In electronic fuel injection, there is improvement in the _____________ efficiency due to comparatively less resistance in the intake manifolds which will cause less pressure losses.

Question 1 of 50

2. The primary voltage increases as the engine speed increases due to the limitations in the current switching capability of the breaker system.

Question 2 of 50

3. Olefins are generally represented by ___________

Question 3 of 50

4. Firing order is the order in which various cylinders of a multi cylinder engine fire.

Question 4 of 50

5. A calibration during which the measurement varies with time in a specified manner and the output is recorded as a function of time is called ______________

Question 5 of 50

6. In updraught type carburetors, air enters at the ___________

Question 6 of 50

7. The ignition system can be turned ON or OFF, with the help of an ignition switch.

Question 7 of 50

8. The conditions necessary for combustion are the presence of combustible mixture and some means of initiating the process.

Question 8 of 50

9. In a diesel engine the diesel fuel injected into cylinder would burn instantly at about compressed air temperature of ___________

Question 9 of 50

10. Thermal efficiency of a two stroke cycle engine is _____________ a four stroke cycle engine.

Question 10 of 50

11. In a single hole nozzle, the spray cone angle varies from ___________

Question 11 of 50

12. LVDT is used to measure ______________

Question 12 of 50

13. Dual Cycle is a combination of ____________

Question 13 of 50

14. What are the important parameters in a gasoline engine that can be controlled?

Question 14 of 50

15. _____________ is the first phase in obtaining proper mixing of the fuel and air in the combustion chamber.

Question 15 of 50

16. The ratio of the heat equivalent to one kW hour to the heat in fuel per B.P. hour is termed as brake thermal efficiency.

Question 16 of 50

17. What is the compression ratio of motor cars?

Question 17 of 50

18. In the case of water cooling, there no boundary layer of the liquid coolant on the outside of the cylinder wall.

Question 18 of 50

19. What is Cetane?

Question 19 of 50

20. What is the octane of natural gas?

Question 20 of 50

21. The ratio of the brake power to the indicated power is called ______________

Question 21 of 50

22. Piston rings are usually made of __________

Question 22 of 50

23. A petrol engine has compression ratio from __________

Question 23 of 50

24. Dissociation is the disintegration of burnt gases at __________ temperatures.

Question 24 of 50

25. The flow rate of EGR is not controlled by the Engine management system.

Question 25 of 50

26. The difference between I.P. and B.P. is known as total engine friction loss.

Question 26 of 50

27. Use of low octane fuel can eliminate detonation.

Question 27 of 50

28. Purging is the process by which the gasoline vapours are removed from the charcoal particles inside the ___________

Question 28 of 50

29. What are the types of Multi-Point Fuel Injection System?

Question 29 of 50

30. The thermal efficiency of petrol and gas engines is about ___________

Question 30 of 50

31. Vacuum advance mechanism shifts the ignition point under ____________ load operation.

Question 31 of 50

32. ____________ is collected during engine startup time when the catalytic converter is cold, and then later released back into the exhaust flow when the converter is hot.

Question 32 of 50

33. Which of the following are the types of synthetic lubricants?

Question 33 of 50

34. Detonation cannot be prevented by reducing peak cylinder pressure.

Question 34 of 50

35. With greatly increased mixing efficiency and speeds, large regions of fuel-rich mixtures can be avoided when combustion starts.

Question 35 of 50

36. To prevent blockage of the nozzle by dust particles, the gasoline is filtered by installing a ______________ at the inlet to the float chamber.

Question 36 of 50

37. The knocking tendency in spark ignition engines can be decreased by adding dopes like tetra ethyl lead and ethylene dibromide.

Question 37 of 50

38. The ___________ type injection pump consist of a reciprocating plunger inside a barrel.

Question 38 of 50

39. ____________ is the speed of journal, more will be the oil pulled into the apex of the wedge of oil in the clearances space.

Question 39 of 50

40. What is the principle of compensating jet device is to make the mixture?

Question 40 of 50

41. A cold plug has a large heat transfer path and a large area exposed to the combustion gases or compared to hot plug.

Question 41 of 50

42. Fuel is injected in a four-stroke CI engine ___________

Question 42 of 50

43. In the passenger cars, which of the following type of carburetor is preferred?

Question 43 of 50

44. In Morse test, the engine is first run at the required speed by adjusting the throttle in ___________

Question 44 of 50

45. In __________ scavenging system the inlet and exhaust ports are located on opposite sides of the cylinder.

Question 45 of 50

46. What is the combustion in spark ignition engine?

Question 46 of 50

47. If the engine is operating with richer mixtures the optimum spark timing must be _____________

Question 47 of 50

48. When the spark advance is same as the optimum value the heat rejected to cooling system is increased.

Question 48 of 50

49. Crankcase scavenging arrangement is very economical and inefficient in operation.

Question 49 of 50

50. Dual cycle is also known as ____________

Question 50 of 50


Topic wise Test Quizzes on IC Engine

IC Engine tests, quizzes, and exams are great ways to learn and test your IC Engine skills. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, challenge and boost your confidence with our engaging online quizzes on IC Engine Basics, Air Standard Cycles, Fuel Air Cycle, Alternative Fuel, Carburetion, Ignition System, Combustion, Lubrication, Engine Performance, Supercharging and Two Stroke Engine. Start the IC Engine online test now!

IC Engine Certification Test

IC Engine Certification Test is a free certification exam. However, you need to score an A grade in each of the "Certification Level Tests 1 to 10" to be eligible to take part in this certification test. So, take all the "10 Tests" starting from Certification Level 1 upto Level 10, before taking the final Certification test.

Level 1 to 10 Tests:
Total Questions: 25, Total Time: 30 min, Correct Answer: 2 points, Wrong Answer: -1 point

Certification Test:
Total Questions: 50, Total Time: 1 hour, Correct Answer: 2 points, Wrong Answer: -1 point

IC Engine Internship Test

If you scored either Grade A* or Grade A in our IC Engine Internship Test, then you can apply for Internship at Sanfoundry in IC Engine.

Total Questions: 50, Total Time: 1 hour, Correct Answer: 2 points, Wrong Answer: -1 point

IC Engine Job Test

It is designed to test and improve your skills for a successful career, as well as to apply for jobs.

Total Questions: 50, Total Time: 1 hour, Correct Answer: 2 points, Wrong Answer: -1 point

Note: Before you get started on these series of online tests, you should practice our collection of 1000 MCQs on IC Engine .

Sanfoundry Scoring & Grading System

Sanfoundry tests and quizzes are designed to provide a real-time online exam experience. Here is what you need to know about them.

  • Scoring System: You get 2 points for each correct answer but lose 1 point for every wrong answer.
  • Grading System: Your grade depends on your final score and can be one of the following:

    • Grade A* - Genius (100%)
    • Grade A - Excellent (80% to 99%)
    • Grade B - Good (60% to 80%)
    • Grade C - Average (40% to 60%)
    • Grade D - Poor (0% to 40%)
Manish Bhojasia - Founder & CTO at Sanfoundry
Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. He lives in Bangalore, and focuses on development of Linux Kernel, SAN Technologies, Advanced C, Data Structures & Alogrithms. Stay connected with him at LinkedIn.

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