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Digital Signal Processing Online Test

Correct Answer: 2 points | Wrong: -1 point
Grades: A* (100% score) | A (80%-99%) | B (60%-80%) | C (40%-60%) | D (0%-40%)

Here is the complete list of test quizzes on Digital Signal Processing.

1. The effect of round off errors due to the multiplications performed in the DFT with fixed point arithmetic is known as Quantization error.

Question 1 of 50

2. If the frequency response of an FIR system is given as H(z)=1-5/2z-1-3/2z-2, then the system is ___________

Question 2 of 50

3. What is the impulse response of an S/H, when viewed as a linear filter?

Question 3 of 50

4. Which of the following relation is true if the signal x(n) is real?

Question 4 of 50

5. Bessel filters exhibit a linear phase response over the pass band of the filter.

Question 5 of 50

6. Which of the following filters have a block diagram as shown in the figure?
The least squares FIR inverse filter or wiener filter of the FIR filter coefficients

Question 6 of 50

7. What is the convolution x(n) of the signals x1(n)={1,-2,1} and x2(n)={1,1,1,1,1,1}?

Question 7 of 50

8. Which of the following is true regarding the number of computations requires to compute an N-point DFT?

Question 8 of 50

9. If we reverse the directions of all branch transmittances and interchange the input and output in the flow graph, then the resulting structure is called as ______________

Question 9 of 50

10. What is the average power of the discrete time periodic signal x(n) with period N?

Question 10 of 50

11. If a signal x(n) is passed through a system to get an output signal of y(n)=x(n+1), then the signal is said to be ____________

Question 11 of 50

12. Let x1(t) and x2(t) be periodic signals with fundamental periods T1 and T2 respectively. Then the fundamental period of x(t)=x1(t)+x2(t) is?

Question 12 of 50

13. Limit cycles in the recursive are directly attributable to which of the following?

Question 13 of 50

14. If X(z) is the z-transform of the signal x(n), then what is the z-transform of x*(n)?

Question 14 of 50

15. Which of the following is the right way to reduce distortion in the DM?

Question 15 of 50

16. What is the partial fraction expansion of X(z)=\(\frac{1+z^{-1}}{1-z^{-1}+0.5z^{-2}}\)?

Question 16 of 50

17. The error function E(ω) does not alternate in sign between two successive extremal frequencies.

Question 17 of 50

18. Which of the following is a low pass-to-band stop transformation?

Question 18 of 50

19. It is impossible to design an all-pass digital Hilbert transformer.

Question 19 of 50

20. By impulse invariance method, the IIR filter will have a unit sample response h(n) that is the sampled version of the analog filter.

Question 20 of 50

21. The choice of Tdk) for error in delay is complicated.

Question 21 of 50

22. What is the zero-input response of the system described by the homogenous second order equation y(n)-3y(n-1)-4y(n-2)=0 if the initial conditions are y(-1)=5 and y(-2)=0?

Question 22 of 50

23. Due to non-uniform resolution, the corresponding error in a floating point representation is proportional to the number being quantized.

Question 23 of 50

24. What is the expression for system function in z-domain?

Question 24 of 50

25. What is the Fourier transform of the signal x(n) which is defined as shown in the graph below?

Question 25 of 50

26. Type-2 chebyshev filters consists of ______________

Question 26 of 50

27. If H(z) is the z-transform of the impulse response of an FIR filter, then which of the following relation is true?

Question 27 of 50

28. If x(n) produces y(m), then x(n-n0) does imply y(n-n0) for any value of n0.

Question 28 of 50

29. In the frequency sampling method for FIR filter design, we specify the desired frequency response Hd(ω) at a set of equally spaced frequencies.

Question 29 of 50

30. What is the real part of the N point DFT XR(k) of a complex valued sequence x(n)?

Question 30 of 50

31. What is the z-transform of the signal x(n)=an(sinω0n)u(n)?

Question 31 of 50

32. What is the quantity ax(n-1) is called?

Question 32 of 50

33. In Parks-McClellan program, an array of maximum size 10 that specifies the weight function in each band is denoted by?

Question 33 of 50

34. Which of the following filter we use in least square design methods?

Question 34 of 50

35. Every fourfold increase in the size N of the DFT requires an additional bit in computational precision to offset the additional quantization errors.

Question 35 of 50

36. If H(s)=\(\frac{1}{s^2+s+1}\) represent the transfer function of a low pass filter (not Butterworth) with a pass band of 1 rad/sec, then what is the system function of a band pass filter with a pass band of 10 rad/sec and a center frequency of 100 rad/sec?

Question 36 of 50

37. The equation x(t)=\(\sum_{k=-\infty}^{\infty}c_k e^{j2πkF_0 t}\) is known as analysis equation.

Question 37 of 50

38. Which bit coder is required to code a signal with 16 levels?

Question 38 of 50

39. An ideal filter should have zero gain in their stop band.

Question 39 of 50

40. In Nth order differential equation, the characteristics of bilinear transformation, let z=rejw,s=o+jΩ Then for s = \(\frac{2}{T}(\frac{1-z^{-1}}{1+z^{-1}})\), the values of Ω, ℴ are

Question 40 of 50

41. If g(n) is a real valued sequence of 2N points and x1(n)=g(2n) and x2(n)=g(2n+1), then what is the value of G(k), k=0,1,2...N-1?

Question 41 of 50

42. An analog high pass filter can be mapped to a digital high pass filter.

Question 42 of 50

43. What is the equation for magnitude frequency response |H(jΩ)| of a low pass chebyshev-I filter?

Question 43 of 50

44. What is the transform that is suitable for evaluating the z-transform of a set of data on a variety of contours in the z-plane?

Question 44 of 50

45. The impulse invariance method and mapping of derivatives are inappropriate to use in the designing of high pass and band pass filters due to aliasing problem.

Question 45 of 50

46. What is the stop band gain of a low pass filter with δS as the pass band attenuation?

Question 46 of 50

47. What is the system function of all-zero filter or comb filter?

Question 47 of 50

48. All energy signals will have an average power of ___________

Question 48 of 50

49. The selection of the sampling rate Fs=1/T, where T is the sampling interval, not only determines the highest frequency (Fs/2) that is preserved in the analog signal but also serves as a scale factor that influences the design specifications for digital filters.

Question 49 of 50

50. In the absence of an S/H, the input signal must change by more than one-half of the quantization step during the conversion, which may be an impractical constraint.

Question 50 of 50


Topic wise Test Quizzes on Digital Signal Processing

Digital Signal Processing tests, quizzes, and exams are great ways to learn and test your Digital Signal Processing skills. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, challenge and boost your confidence with our engaging online quizzes on Digital Signal Processing Basics, Discrete Time Signal, Z Transform, Discrete Time Signal Analysis, DFT and FFT Algorithms, FIR and IIR System Structures, Butterworth and Chebyshev Filters, FIR Filter Design, Multirate Signal Processing and Signal Sampling. Start the Digital Signal Processing online test now!

Digital Signal Processing Certification Test

Digital Signal Processing Certification Test is a free certification exam. However, you need to score an A grade in each of the "Certification Level Tests 1 to 10" to be eligible to take part in this certification test. So, take all the "10 Tests" starting from Certification Level 1 upto Level 10, before taking the final Certification test.

Level 1 to 10 Tests:
Total Questions: 25, Total Time: 30 min, Correct Answer: 2 points, Wrong Answer: -1 point

Certification Test:
Total Questions: 50, Total Time: 1 hour, Correct Answer: 2 points, Wrong Answer: -1 point

Digital Signal Processing Internship Test

If you scored either Grade A* or Grade A in our Digital Signal Processing Internship Test, then you can apply for Internship at Sanfoundry in Digital Signal Processing.

Total Questions: 50, Total Time: 1 hour, Correct Answer: 2 points, Wrong Answer: -1 point

Digital Signal Processing Job Test

It is designed to test and improve your skills for a successful career, as well as to apply for jobs.

Total Questions: 50, Total Time: 1 hour, Correct Answer: 2 points, Wrong Answer: -1 point

Note: Before you get started on these series of online tests, you should practice our collection of 1000 MCQs on Digital Signal Processing .

Sanfoundry Scoring & Grading System

Sanfoundry tests and quizzes are designed to provide a real-time online exam experience. Here is what you need to know about them.

  • Scoring System: You get 2 points for each correct answer but lose 1 point for every wrong answer.
  • Grading System: Your grade depends on your final score and can be one of the following:

    • Grade A* - Genius (100%)
    • Grade A - Excellent (80% to 99%)
    • Grade B - Good (60% to 80%)
    • Grade C - Average (40% to 60%)
    • Grade D - Poor (0% to 40%)
Manish Bhojasia - Founder & CTO at Sanfoundry
Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. He lives in Bangalore, and focuses on development of Linux Kernel, SAN Technologies, Advanced C, Data Structures & Alogrithms. Stay connected with him at LinkedIn.

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