In the Online Casting, Forming and Welding I Test, for every correct answer, you will be given 2 points. There will also be negative marking of -1 for every wrong answer. So, you will have to be more careful in choosing the answers to the question in your online examination. If needed, you should skip to the next question and come back to the previous question later so that you can do proper time management for the online mock tests.
Based on your score, you would be given one of the following Grades:
Grade A* - Genius (You scored 100%)
Grade A - Excellent (Your score is in the range of 80% to 99%)
Grade B - Good (Your score is in the range of 60% to 80%)
Grade C - Average (Your score is in the range of 40% to 60%)
Grade D - Poor (Your score is in the range of 0% to 40%)
There will be 5 types of Casting, Forming and Welding I Tests. The details of each of these tests are as follows:
For every "Casting, Forming and Welding I Practice Test", Total Questions: 20, Total Time: Unlimited.
For every "Casting, Forming and Welding I Mock Test", Total Questions: 20, Total Time: 20 Minutes.
For "Casting, Forming and Welding I Certification Test", Total Questions: 50, Total Time: 1 hour.
For "Casting, Forming and Welding I Internship Test", Total Questions: 50, Total Time: 1 hour.
For "Casting, Forming and Welding I Job Test", Total Questions: 50, Total Time: 1 hour.
Before you get started on these series of online tests on Casting, Forming and Welding I, you should learn, study and practice our collection of 1000 MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions and Answers) on Casting, Forming and Welding I here. We also prefer that you should practice Casting, Forming and Welding I practice tests and mock tests completely before attempting the certification test.
Here is the list of online practice tests and mock tests on Casting, Forming and Welding I. Each online test focuses on a "Specific chapter of Casting, Forming and Welding I". So, you should try both practice test and mock test on every chapter to do a self-assessment of your knowledge (along with time-limit constraints) in every area or sub-topic of Casting, Forming and Welding I. Casting, Forming and Welding I Certification test, Internship test, and Job Test are mentioned at the end of this list.
1. Casting, Forming and Welding I Test 1 – This set of online test on “Casting, Forming and Welding I” tests your skills on Difference between Pattern and Casting, Functions of a Pattern, Pattern Materials, Types of Pattern, Pattern Design, Pattern Making, Pattern Fillets, Finishing Patterns & Storing of Patterns, Pattern Colours, Jointing Materials.
2. Casting, Forming and Welding I Test 2 – This set of online test on “Casting, Forming and Welding I” tests your skills on Mold Materials, Molding Sands, Molding Sands Binders, Properties of Molding Sands, Refractory Sands, Grain Size and Shape, Bonding Theory, Fire Clays, Illite and Kaolinite, Molding Sand Mixtures for Casting, Indian Sand and core sand.
3. Casting, Forming and Welding I Test 3 – This set of online test on “Casting, Forming and Welding I” tests your skills on Preparation of Core Mix, Molding Sand Preparation, Testing of Molding Sand, Different Functions of Core, Making the Cores, Baking the Cores, Finishing of Cores, Types of Cores, Dielectric Core Bakers, Setting the Cores, Core Application.
4. Casting, Forming and Welding I Test 4 – This set of online test on “Casting, Forming and Welding I” tests your skills on Types of Molds, Molding Processes, Methods of Ramming Mold Boxes – 1, Methods of Ramming Mold Boxes – 2, Methods of Green Sand Molding, Hand Molding Equipment, Steps Involved In Making a Mold, Venting of Moulds, Forces Acting on Cores and Mold, Mold-Metal Reaction.
5. Casting, Forming and Welding I Test 5 – This set of online test on “Casting, Forming and Welding I” tests your skills on Green Sand Mould, Functions of Gating Systems, Gating Design, Functions of a Riser, Types of Risers, Riser Design – 1, Riser Design – 2, Directional Solidification, Aspiration Effect, Effects of Friction and Velocity Distribution.
6. Casting, Forming and Welding I Test 6 – This set of online test on “Casting, Forming and Welding I” tests your skills on Furnaces for Melting, Gases in Metals, Casting Cleaning, Product Design for Sand Castings, Special Casting Techniques, Shell Moulding, Precision Investment Casting, Permanent Mould Casting.
7. Casting, Forming and Welding I Test 7 – This set of online test on “Casting, Forming and Welding I” tests your skills on Die Casting, Gravity Die Casting, Vacuum Die Casting, Low Pressure Die Casting, Centrifugal Casting, Continuous Casting, Squeeze Casting, Slush Casting, CO2 Process, Inspection and Testing.
8. Casting, Forming and Welding I Test 8 – This set of online test on “Casting, Forming and Welding I” tests your skills on Inspection Procedures, Visual Inspection, Dimensional Inspection, Testing of Mechanical Properties, Destructive Testing, Non Destructive Testing, Mechanism of Solidification, Rate of Solidification, Solidification of a Large Casting in an Insulating Mould.
9. Casting, Forming and Welding I Test 9 – This set of online test on “Casting, Forming and Welding I” tests your skills on Solidification with Predominant Interface Resistance, Solidification with Constant Surface Temperature, Solidification with Predominant Resistance in Mould, Riser Placement, Residual Stress, Classification of Defects & Factors Affecting Salvage of Castings, Salvaging Techniques – 1, Salvaging Techniques – 2, Mechanization, Mechanized Foundry, Processing Steps in Mechanized Foundry.
10. Casting, Forming and Welding I Test 10 – This set of online test on “Casting, Forming and Welding I” tests your skills on Molding Machines, Core Making Machines, Foundry Environment Health and Safety – 1, Foundry Environment Health and Safety – 2, Dust Measurement and Sampling, Dust Control and Dust Extraction in Foundry, Dust Collecting Equipment, Elements of Preventive Maintenance, Pattern Allowances, Heating and Pouring, Hot Chamber and Cold Chamber Die Casting.
Sanfoundry will issue a Certificate of Merit to Top 5 Rankers for a given month provided that they have scored either A* or A Grade in the Contest. If you are interested, then kindly register below. After registration, you can take the test anytime (24x7).