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Metal Casting Tests

Correct Answer: 2 points | Wrong: -1 point
Grades: A* (100% score) | A (80%-99%) | B (60%-80%) | C (40%-60%) | D (0%-40%)

Here is the complete list of test quizzes on Metal Casting.

1. Which of the following is not a drilling or boring tool?

Question 1 of 50

2. Up to what temperature can molten steels be produced in a side blown converter?

Question 2 of 50

3. Which of the following characteristics is mainly considered for the solidification of castings?

Question 3 of 50

4. The buoyancy force is generated only due to the weight of the core inside the mould.

Question 4 of 50

5. What should be the lowest sulphur pick-up in the acid-cupola reaction?

Question 5 of 50

6. What is mixed with calcium hydroxide on sand for CO2 cured polyacrylate?

Question 6 of 50

7. Gimlet is which of the following tool?

Question 7 of 50

8. Continuous extraction of heat is necessary to ensure higher mould life and better casting cycle times.

Question 8 of 50

9. Iron needs higher temperature ranges for its extraction.

Question 9 of 50

10. In an induction furnace, mixing and melting rates are altered by?

Question 10 of 50

11. Which of the following is not a property of a crucible?

Question 11 of 50

12. Which current is helpful in detecting sub surface discontinuities?

Question 12 of 50

13. Which refractory sand has the best moulding material?

Question 13 of 50

14. A pattern is shaken by striking it with a wooden piece. A negative allowance is provided for this. Which allowance is it?

Question 14 of 50

15. Computerization in dimensional inspection improves the speed and accuracy of measuring casting dimensions.

Question 15 of 50

16. Which of the following molding methods have the highest production rate?

Question 16 of 50

17. Contours, cavities and passages in the casting can be possible without placing of any cores in the casting.

Question 17 of 50

18. Runners, gates and risers are attached to the pattern to __________

Question 18 of 50

19. For proper venting, the pouring time is increased which allow easy escape out of gases from the mould without inducing any defects.

Question 19 of 50

20. A dendritic crystal growth structure is formed by the difference in progress of crystallization at different points in the casting material.

Question 20 of 50

21. Palygorskite and sepiolite clay minerals generally have similar fibrous structures.

Question 21 of 50

22. The infrared radiation passes through what before entering into the fluidized bed?

Question 22 of 50

23. How much time does a centrifugal muller take to mix the core ingredients?

Question 23 of 50

24. What is typically the frequency used in ultrasonic inspection?

Question 24 of 50

25. The transfer of heat across a gap (an interface between mould and casting) is given by_____

Question 25 of 50

26. With what does iron react to give out Ferrous Oxide?

Question 26 of 50

27. In cold chamber die casting, rapid cooling of the castings is done as compared to the hot chamber die casting.

Question 27 of 50

28. What is the breadth size range of a clay particle?

Question 28 of 50

29. Name the missing part of the pattern in the diagram labelled as (?)?
Core used to create holes or hollow cavities

Question 29 of 50

30. Which of the following is not charged in the open hearth furnace?

Question 30 of 50

31. What can be the maximum pressure to be given to plastic for blow molding process?

Question 31 of 50

32. Which of the following will not affect insulation?

Question 32 of 50

33. Production of crucibles is inexpensive.

Question 33 of 50

34. Which of the following processes is responsible for the emission of particulate matter in the foundry?

Question 34 of 50

35. In mechanized foundry, rubber conveyor cannot be used for long time during production of castings.

Question 35 of 50

36. In continuous casting technology, solidification of casting starts in a thick sand mould of a closed structure.

Question 36 of 50

37. In pressure die castings, production rate is low.

Question 37 of 50

38. What is the purpose of auxiliary tuyeres?

Question 38 of 50

39. After preparation of cores, cores on the core plates are sent for what?

Question 39 of 50

40. Green sand cores are not suitable for producing very complex shapes of castings.

Question 40 of 50

41. What is the purpose of strainer in the gating system?

Question 41 of 50

42. In dimensional inspection, the cost involved in measuring tools is very high.

Question 42 of 50

43. Which of the following types of light is preferred for using fluorescent penetrant in liquid penetrant testing (LPT) method?

Question 43 of 50

44. What is the color of pure magnesium metal?

Question 44 of 50

45. In pressure die casting, what is the minimum pressure that can be applied?

Question 45 of 50

46. In precision investment casting, to make the mould the prepared pattern is dipped into a slurry. From which material is this slurry is made up of?

Question 46 of 50

47. Uniform and homogenous mixture of core sand can be achieved by manual operation.

Question 47 of 50

48. Which of the following synthetic resins are used for mixing with sand in shell moulding?

Question 48 of 50

49. Degassing process during the formation of castings can prevent inclusion of hydrogen absolutely.

Question 49 of 50

50. A heavy surface finishing is always required for components made in injection moulding machine.

Question 50 of 50


Topic wise Test Quizzes on Metal Casting

Metal Casting tests, quizzes, and exams are great ways to learn and test your Metal Casting skills. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, challenge and boost your confidence with our engaging online quizzes on Basics, Pattern Making, Moulding Sand, Core and Core Making, Riser Design, Special Casting Techniques, Casting Solidification, Foundry Mechanization, Binder Technology and Metal Furnace. Start the Metal Casting online test now!

Metal Casting Basic Quiz

Pattern and Pattern Making Quiz

Moulding Sand Quiz

Moulding Sand Preparation Quiz

Core and Core Making Quiz

Mold and Mold Making Quiz

Molding and Gating System Quiz

Riser Design Quiz

Casting Processes and Effect Quiz

Special Casting Techniques Quiz

Casting Inspection Quiz

Casting Solidification Quiz

Salvaged Casting Quiz

Foundry Mechanization Quiz

Foundry Environment Health Quiz

Dust Control and Measurement Quiz

Preventive Maintenance Quiz

Moulding with Polymers Quiz

Foundry Basic and Materials Quiz

Binder Technology Quiz

Sand Reclamation Quiz

Metal Furnace Quiz

Casting Process Quiz

Non Destructive Techniques Quiz

Metal Casting Certification Test

Metal Casting Certification Test is a free certification exam. However, you need to score at least a B grade in the “Qualifier Test” to be eligible to take part in this test. So, take the “Qualifier Test” before the Certification test.

Total Questions: 50, Total Time: 1 hour, Correct Answer: 2 points, Wrong Answer: -1 point

Metal Casting Internship Test

If you scored either Grade A* or Grade A in our Metal Casting Internship Test, then you can apply for Internship at Sanfoundry in Metal Casting.

Total Questions: 50, Total Time: 1 hour, Correct Answer: 2 points, Wrong Answer: -1 point

Metal Casting Job Test

It’s designed to test and improve your skills for a successful career, as well as to apply for jobs.

Total Questions: 50, Total Time: 1 hour, Correct Answer: 2 points, Wrong Answer: -1 point

Note: Before you get started on these series of online tests, you should practice our collection of 1000 MCQs on Metal Casting here.

Sanfoundry Scoring & Grading System

Sanfoundry tests and quizzes are designed to provide a real-time online exam experience. Here’s what you need to know about them.

  • Scoring System: You get 2 points for each correct answer but lose 1 point for every wrong answer.
  • Grading System: Your grade depends on your final score and can be one of the following:
    • Grade A* – Genius (100%)
    • Grade A – Excellent (80% to 99%)
    • Grade B – Good (60% to 80%)
    • Grade C – Average (40% to 60%)
    • Grade D – Poor (0% to 40%)
Manish Bhojasia - Founder & CTO at Sanfoundry
Manish Bhojasia, a technology veteran with 20+ years @ Cisco & Wipro, is Founder and CTO at Sanfoundry. He lives in Bangalore, and focuses on development of Linux Kernel, SAN Technologies, Advanced C, Data Structures & Alogrithms. Stay connected with him at LinkedIn.

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